With January being the start of a new year, often people are in a mood for change! If you are a full time glasses wearer, a change may be to introduce contact lenses to correct your vision. Wearing a contact lens can really help improve an eyeglass wearers life in so many different ways. Being free of wearing eyeglasses offers a cosmetic change and also freedom and flexibility that eyeglasses can’t. Here are just a few reason’s why people may consider wearing contacts.
The Cosmetic Benefits Of Contact Lenses
The cosmetic benefits that contact lenses offer is the most popular reasons why a person may choose to wear contacts. There are a couple of different ways in which a person can use contact lenses cosmetically. The first most obvious way, would be taking away the eyeglass frame off of the face. By eliminating eyeglasses a person has a more natural appearance.
Another way that contact lenses can change a person’s look is by enhancing their look with cosmetic contacts. A cosmetic contact lens typically changes eye colour. There are also lenses that dramatically enhances a person’s own natural eye colour.
Contact Lenses Offer Freedom From Eyeglasses
Freedom from eyeglasses can mean so many different things. Although eyeglasses are a great source of vision correction, they don’t come without some negatives. Eyeglasses require maintenance, where contacts don’t! Anyone who has every had a poor fitting pair of eyeglasses knows this. An eyeglass frame usually requires periodic maintenance, such as frame adjustments and realignment, as well as screw tightening and replacement. Eyeglass lenses also require special care and cleaning. If not cared for properly, lenses can become scratched and dirty, causing them to be hard to see through.
Contact Lenses Are Better Suited For Certain Activities
There are some activates that are just easier to do while wearing contact lenses. Many sports and activities where a person is more physically active are definately easier to do while wearing contacts.
Activities such as yoga and swimming are great examples of this! Have you ever tried doing the downward dog while wearing glasses… sounds easier then it actually is! Swimming is another example where wearing glasses is incredibly hard to do successfully. While doing either of these activities, your may find that your glasses spend more time at the bottom of the pool or on the yoga mat then they do on your face!
Give Contacts A Try Risk Free!
If you are interested in giving contact lenses a chance, contact our office to book an appointment with one of our experienced optometrists or contact lens practitioners to discuss how contact lenses can be of benefit to you!
Article Written By: Trina Vanaalst