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I Have Good Vision, Do I Still Need An Eye Exam?

January is usually the month where people resolve to get back on track with their health goals after the holiday season.  Many new year resolutions aim at focusing on areas where people feel that they need improvement.  But maintaining the areas where there are no signs of problems should not go overlooked.  The eyes can easily fall victim to this type of thinking.  People often wonder, “do I really need an eye exam if I have good vision?”  Well, we’re here to tell you, “yes, you do!”  Read our blog article this week to learn why you should have an eye exam, even if you have no vision problems.

There’s a popular motto that goes “if it’s not broke, why fix it?” And unfortunately, for people with good vision, they may feel that this applies to their eyes and eye exams. When people have good vision with or without wearing eyeglasses, they may feel that if they have no problems, there is no need to see their optometrist. Why would a person need an eye exam if they have no visual symptoms? Well, there are many reasons why read on the learn more.

Maintain Your Good Vision

Good Vision requires Maintenance
Good Vision requires Maintenance

Maintenance is key to making sure that things function properly. This statement can be applied to almost anything.  Your body is like a car.  If you are conscious as to how it’s performing for you and you do regular maintenance like routine physicals and eye exams, it will work better for you in the long run.  Even if you have good vision think of an eye exam like a tune-up for your eyes.  At a routine eye exam, your optometrist will not only ensure that your good vision is being maintained, but they will make sure that your eyes are healthy as well.

Changes In Vision Can Be Hard to Notice

A change in vision is sometimes hard to notice.  This can be because of many reasons.  Sometimes it is because there may be a change in vision in only one eye.  This causes the other eye to compensate for the eye with the vision change. Making it hard to tell that there’s a problem even though binocular vision (vision while looking with both eyes) is still clear. Sometimes it can be because the change is so gradual that the person actually doesn’t even notice that their eyes have gotten worse.

A change in vision might also be more noticeable if a person’s vision gets worse.  But it can be less noticeable if vision improves.  Making sure that changes in vision are detected and corrected for will help ensure that you’re seeing your best.  An improvement in an eyeglass prescription or a decrease in power can often make it more comfortable to see at certain distances.   Maintaining your good vision will also help reduce end of day eye fatigue and strain!

If a change in prescription is left uncorrected eyestrain and headaches may occur.

Some Eye Diseases Have No Symptoms

As mentioned above, changes in vision can be hard to detect unless by an optometrist during an exam.  Well, the same goes for eye health as well.  Some eye diseases such as glaucoma and macular degeneration have no symptoms in their early stages.  Advanced stages of these diseases can cause severe damage to both eye health and can be sight-threatening.  It’s easier to resolve problems and prevent further damage and problems in the early stages of an eye disease vs. later on.

A Tune-Up For Your Eyes, A Tune-Up For Your Eyeglasses.

If you’re an eyeglass wearer, a routine eye exam is also a good time to make sure your glasses are in tip-top shape. A routine check and tune-up to your eyewear will keep them functioning at their best longer.  Making sure that lens coatings are intact and free of scratches will make sure good vision remains good.

Checking frame alignment and adjustment on the face will also help with both the visual and physical comfort of the glasses.  A poor-fitting frame can cause not only discomfort but headaches as well.

Our office provides frame adjustments and tune-ups to all of our patients and customers, free of charge! Click here for more tips on how to take care of your eyeglasses.

Book Yourself A Routine Eye Exam

If you have good vision but feel that it’s time you schedule a routine tune-up for your eyes, we’d love to see you.  Call our office at (403)255-2826 to book an appointment.  Or conveniently book your next eye exam online, in real-time through our online appointment scheduler.

This article was written by Trina Vanaalst, licensed optician, and registered contact lens practitioner.


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